Sunday 13 October 2013

Unconscious Hallucinations Wrenched From Temporary Night Death - 13th October 2012

A crippling cold blizzard forces me and Laura to take shelter in an ice cave of sorts. We need to get two blank CDs and burn something onto them. Our progress is hindered by a long corridor of gun turrets and by the time we've dealt with them (we had rocket launchers y'see) we were nearly frozen to death. I tell Laura to stay back and i run down the long corridor as it splits into several others and soon becomes a maze.

Thankfully i soon find a room in the cave filled with turned off computers and several secondary school students staring at the black screens. I start asking them individually if they have any blank CDs i could buy and whilst there begin flicking a few large red switches which turn all the computers on, much to the amazement of the students. I go to sit down at one of the desks, hoping i can find another way of transferring the thing (it might have been film rushes, can't quite remember) when some chubby, oblivious guy steals my seat and starts chatting to his friend next to him.

I state that i had already taken this seat and he carries on talking as if i'm invisible. I tell him to shut up for a second because i'm in a rush and i shove him out of the seat. He responds with a lukewarm "you shut up." and knocks me and the seat to the floor.
Increasingly frustrated i sprint back down the corridors (i know, that's the most unbelievable part of this whole thing) and thankfully find Laura still there but clearly freezing to death. I try to explain what happened in about three seconds resulting in a mess of speech that may or may not have made sense. I say to Laura, who seems quietly pissed off at my failing, to go back and she nods in agreement. She returns to the entrance of the cave which is now a river and gets in a rowing boat before slowly rowing out of sight.

Suddenly a grizzly bear in its own boat speeds past Laura and violently beaches itself on the shore or the ice cave. Concluding that a large brown bear (regardless of boating expertise) could be dangerous i hurry back to the computer room. Along the way Stephen Merchant is setting up shop and trying to attract customers. I ask if he has any blank CDs and he says yes so i go round to the back of his stall and he awkwardly admits he hasn't.

Continuing down the hall Stephen Merchant the merchant calls back to me and i see the grizzly bear has somehow got stuck on top of a wooden guillotine thing (between the roof of it and the blade, so balanced on top of the blade). Some other people appear from somewhere and ask if i'm going to help the bear. I say no it could be dangerous and a short man ignores me and helps the bear down anyway. Remembering something i may have read somewhere that you shouldn't run from a bear, i reluctantly trek through the maze with these two randomers and a grizzly bear. It is awkward.

We finally reach the computer room and i call to the entire room if anyone has any blank CDs, stating i can pay for them. The students are unsettled by the presence of the bear and i try to lighten the mood by joking "He's not here for intimidation" or something similar, and the students chuckle. A girl just in front of us turns around slightly and says she has some blank CDs. I thank her excessively and she retrieves them from her bag, whilst the bear stands on it's hind legs for some reason. The rest is faded and gone forever i'm afraid.

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